Mark Heard FAQ

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Questions on the FAQ

How did you get this info?

Album inserts, hearsay over the Internet, Orphans and the fatherless, various e-mails (from Kyle Cheek, Martin Stillion, Karl Swenson, Miles O'Neal, Eric Townsend (G.A.), Nathan Sohlstrom, and Michael Currin), CCM, and other sources that may or may not be reliable and/or cannot be determined.

Where do I vote for my favorite Mark Heard song?


Where do I get Mark Heard music on CD?

Our friends at Thoughtscape had re-released some Mark Heard albums onto CD format. But now they are out of business. Sorry. Reflections of a Former Life can be found at for $7.99. Larry Norman is also re-releasing some Mark Heard albums in the near future. Will keep you posted.

So, you think I missed something obvious!? E-mail me:

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