General Questions

What was MH's full name?
What does MH stand for?
When was MH born?
When did MH die?
Where is MH from?
Where is Macon, GA?
How did he get from Georgia to California?
Who were MH's parents?
Did MH have any siblings?
Was he married?
Did MH have any children?
Where can I find MH's discography and lyrics?
What instruments did MH play?
What other interests did MH have, besides music?
Did he have any pets?
What did MH look like?
Did MH smoke, drink, or swear?
Will MH give us free concerts in Heaven?
Why is MH's music not very positive?
What's MH's thing with satellites?

What was MH's full name?

John Mark Heard.

What does MH stand for?

Mark Heard! Just thought I'd let you know, because I'm going to be using this abbreviation frequently throughout the FAQ.

When was MH born?


When did MH die?

He was playing at Cornerstone during the July 4 weekend when he had a heart attack. He amazingly pulled himself through it though. But Mark was in a hospital for six weeks and he succumbed August 16, 1992.

Where is MH from?

Macon, GA

Where is Macon, GA?

Here is a map to get there.

How did he get from Georgia to California?

From Miles O'Neal's MH Remembered page:

Pat Terry introduced Mark to Larry Norman after one of Larry's concerts in Atlanta. Mark gave Larry a quick demo tape, and a week or so later was asked for a real demo. Over the next month or so, Mark spent nearly every waking minute away from Spinks Co. at Pat's studio. The net result was inevitably that Mark went to California to make records.

Who were MH's parents?

Mother: Jean Heard
Father: John Mark Heard

Did MH have any siblings?

He had a sister named Susan who lives in Atlanta, Ga.

Was he married?

Yes, his wife was Janet. Janet's family is Terry and Vernettie Currin (parents) of Janet, older brother Hal of Jackson, Tn, with two kids Michael,18 and Tricia, 16; and younger brother Don, with three kids, Annie T., Sophie and Liza. (as of 2001)

Did MH have any children?

Yes, a daughter: Rebecca. She was three and a half or four when he died.

Where can I find MH's discography and lyrics?


What instruments did MH play?

Mandolin, piano, guitar, bass, accordion, and a lot of other stuff.

What other interests did MH have, besides music?

Photography, butterfly collecting... Sam Phillips also mentioned in an interview that he weaved rugs.

Did he have any pets?

Mark had 3 cats.

What did MH look like?

Outdated pic. Will have a new one soon.

Did MH smoke, drink, or swear?

All of the above.

Will MH give us free concerts in Heaven?

He's working with Keith and Rich right now.

Why is MH's music not very positive?

What about "Rise From the Ruins"
"He Will Listen To You"
"Treasure of the Broken Land",
tpam ?

What's MH's thing with satellites? ("Pray for the foothills, goatherds and wind mills, and satellite dishes." and "Why, why, why, I said why Momma, why? Why can't I sleep in peace tonight underneath the Satellite Sky?" and "Fine line between the banker and the debtor; what happens if the satellites fall?")

He had a fear that they would fall down from the sky. All of us have fears like that.

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So, you think I missed something obvious!? E-mail me:

1 May 2002