

God of Life | Low |
No Solution | Open My Eyes | Sweetest Words | Various Shades of Blue |
When I Find Time | Why Must...? | Your Name Will Be Exalted |

God of Life March is wasted fifteen days I try to recall one certain phrase Kindness is like a mirage to me It is not here but it's there I see Praise Him for the trees that hold Their glory to the sky And praise Him for the rocks that sing And live to glorify The God of Life I forget the journey's bends And plead for it to come to an end I cannot go on without faith I cannot go on without giving praise 3/98


I can hear the voice of the angels And the musings of the trees I can hear the music and the laughter Of the child that has grown Very low Very low I look past to forever and see the winding changes All of creation testifies to the greatness and Then I see the sky so very high It shows the very majesty of God, yet here I am Very low Very low And yet You saved me And overlooked the very sin That nailed You to the cross I denied You, yet You forgave me again And you'll forgive me again I will reach past the shining stars And will sing this praise I know You listen, I know You hear me Though here I am Very low Very Low

Open My Eyes Concentrating on survival But forgetting the love and the hope That would have carried me through All the fears I've come to know Looking for a solution When endurance and forbearance Are hidden treasures In a certain sense Open my eyes To the invisible Such intangible things Like kindness And faithfulness I tend to trust You in the storm But forget You when it's over Mentioning a name in a casual prayer But I need to do something more 4/98
Sweetest Words

Oh be calm my crying heart That is so quietly falling apart Oh disappear my sordid tears That come and stay to fall If these walls could hold me And the wind could speak kind words They would be the sweetest words I'd ever heard

Various Shades of Blue The sky turns and fades Colors fall into the place of Various shades of blue The trees stretch against The Heavens and rest And have begun to forget what they once knew The tones of red In the bricks instead Are the things she's concerned about My quiet thoughts Run so far abroad But she prefers to ponder out loud My eyes look to his face Where he recalls the days Of the clay fields he envisioned as green And with the sky and the bricks Disillusionment's tricks Will make it as he has seen
Your Name Will Be Exalted Sadness takes me Out of the blue I cry for You And You feel nearer Tears fall I can't remember at all that I'll forget this moment Once pain has gone I can't stay strong Without You Higher than the Heavens, Your Name Will Be Exalted Farther than where my sin has been removed, Your Name Will Be Exalted I remember You took my place I remember You took away so much pain And while I still have breath, Your Name Will Be Exalted Reason can't explain The love that reached me And cast Out fear completely Miracles Real and true become A Prayer again and again You've cleansed my sin Rain stays so long But you are here ©1/98

No Solution My pride and shame will not let me confide In the unsympathetic and rebuking replies I keep my feelings to myself Locked and concealed, not yet ready to tell The disappointments and failures all come And I study to find where they are from It is my own short comings sometimes To the lack of beholding someone: patient and kind I overlook my doubts and survey The greenness of the leaves against the sky He has made No solution lies there But seeing His hand relieves my despair
Why Must...? Grey skies Sharp lies Pierce my heart Peace seems far Why must sin cause this pain? Heartaches till My heart breaks Can't see Clearly Why must hope be clouded by doubt? 1/98
When I Find Time ("Stay Behind") I awake tonight to not find the earth asleep The stars are alive and the dawn wrestles the dark But where is hope to soften my fears and my doubts It's hidden somewhere, I will not be swayed by the shadows I strive and search for the truth But I am just there without a chance it seems Wherever I go chance chases me And I am driven to follow my aspirations Farther than the canyons carved and the ocean beneath the cliffs Can there really be a place for me? But can you also come with me? This is my only hindrance - it's stopping me But I'd rather stay behind than leave you Than leave you Search my hear and see my soul My selfish needs are pulling me This is my prayer, let "me" decrease Until my heart is like Yours 5/98