La La Land -- "Well I've got no time to find out what's real..." Oh my; what a great opening! Don't you sometimes think, "I have Jesus; He will protect me from all these ugly consequences or trials"? I've been there, you've been there. Wake up! You're just in La La Land.
Bright Red Carpet -- "Heaven's gate is no place for fashion shows." With an alternative sound and serious lyrics, this is a really cool song. You might have heard it on one of the various samplers this song appears on.
Angels -- "She just watched a little too much TV..." This song has a hip - pop sound (sic). It's about a girl who is in some real trouble, but angels are near her, watching.
Drive -- "Take a deep breath." Relaxing. Play this one in the car.
Torn -- "Will you wait for me if I run from you?" Decisions. We all need to make them. The narrow path or the broad road? Torn features calmer music, but aggressive lyrics.
Smash Hit -- "This Jesus thing-it's a smash hit!" So is the song. Don't you even think twice about moshing. Go for it!!!
Saviour of My Universe -- "I don't propose that we preserve the world inside a fragile ball of glass." This acoustic track is probably the most popular one on the album. It's serious and cool.
Beautiful Thing -- "No fake Monet, hey the real Van Gogh." Great song! Ponder the lyrics and turn up the volume.
Tenderness -- "All your pitfalls and fears became mine." Calming words and a steady beat.
Lullaby -- "Don't be afraid, just know that I'll be with you somehow." They save the best for last. This song will soothe your spirit and musically, it's anything but a lullaby. So your friends have "moved to Neptune," but Jesus is right here no matter what.
And don't forget the hidden track and don't forget to check out All Star United's website!