At Nashville's Station Inn: Gillian Welch opened with "Tear My Stillhouse Down" and then proceeded to say that she would introduce the next song, but she didn't know what it was, because she was going to make this an all-request show. And "if it sucks, it's not my fault" she said.
So I shouted "Annabelle" and that's what she played next! Then people shouted out "Wichita," "Dry Town," and "Dark as A Dungeon" all consecutively. Now, to my knowledge, these have never been released on CD by Welch or Rawlings. It was wonderfully lovely to hear songs I'd never heard before, by them. "Dark..." was a song that had David Rawlings on lead vocals and Gillian on background vocals and I loved it that way.
Someone called out "Good Til' Now" and then the people in the audience got on a gospel kick. "Rock of Ages" played, followed by a jazzed up version of "By the Mark." In between the gospel songs, she joked about the simplistic plot for these songs, saying that you basically knew what direction the song was headed if it was gospel.
She went on to say that they did this show honoring Jimmie Rodgers and since he was a famous yodeler they played "My Morphine."
Towards the end of their "set," they asked someone who worked at the place for a request, and they asked for a Jimmy Driftwood song....I will never listen to his music because of that song! It was boring, and the worst song of the evening. The song was entitled "Tennessee Stud" and they first played it in Arkansas, because they were looking for a song that mentioned Arkansas, and well, that one did.
David talked someone into requesting "One More Dollar," then they ended with "Red Clay Halo" which has just left a wonderful taste in my mouth. I LOVED IT. It was recorded by Valerie Smith and reached #1.
They took a break before the second set promising to play "Barroom Girls" and "Long Black Veil," but I left before she ended, it being almost 11 o'clock.
But I was so glad to see her. Well, and "Dave" as she called David Rawlings. So if you find she's coming to town, go see her. And if you just can't, buy her CD. And if you can't, borrow one from your friend.
»songs in white denote the song's appearance on Welch's Revival »songs in yellow denote the song's appearance on Welch's Hell Among the Yearlings
Revival and Hell Among the Yearlings are both at CD Now
Various links:
Almo's GW Page
Alt. Country's Review
Ancienne Belgique Club, Brussels, January the 29th 1999
Appalachian Roots
Heather Preston's Review
Nellie Cane's Granddaughter
Sidewalk Denver Review of H.A.T.Y.
Variety Playhouse, Nov. 16
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