Having a hard time finding Chris Eaton's Vision or any sheet music?

No information on any Chris Eaton/Cliff Richard/Sheila Walsh sheet music. Very sorry. Will post info if any arises. I know this is in very high demand.

Click here for the Breath of Heaven chords. and Click here to buy Music Notes Sheet Music
Not sure how reliable this site is, but Pianopuppy.com apparently has the out-of-print Amy Grant's A Christmas Album songbook. Let me know if you have any problems with this company, and I will not recommend it anymore.

You might have a hard time finding Chris' earlier music. E-mail me to be
put on a waiting list to obtain Vision or Wonderful World.

If you have an extra copy of Vision or Wonderful World, e-mail me to
get the name of someone who would like to buy it from you.

Check Ebay for Chris Eaton's albums. Cheap (usually)!

You may also search Even Better Music for Vision. They usually will have the
Chris Eaton album for around $13 plus shipping.

E-mail me if you have any further questions or have any information that I don't have. Thanks!