Intro: We all know how cute babies are. Who doesn't think they are cute and would try to maliciously kill them? Yet, there have been 35 million abortions in the U. S. since abortion become legal in 1973 with the case of Roe vs. Wade, according to the Alan Guttmacher Institute. Two-thirds of you are women and may find yourself considering the option of abortion. All of you may find that someone you know is considering an abortion, because of their circumstances. I will let you know why abortion is not the best choice. In the following minutes, you will gain a better knowledge of how abortion is destructive and what other alternatives there are, so you can prevent the termination of a child.
You may think that my idea of being against abortion is good for me, but abortion may affect you or a friend that has an abortion. Abortion can cause physical problems, such as breast cancer, infection, tearing of the cervix, and a puncture or tearing of the womb.
Abortion causes psychological problems like guilt or depression, and nightmares and could cause problems for the future children a woman might have. One out of twenty women who abort may never have children again. If a woman has an abortion, she may have a miscarriage if she decides to have children later on or she may have premature pregnancies.
The abortion may not be a success. I'm not saying abortion should not be legal. In some South American countries where abortion was not legal, some women took Misoprotol, a drug that was supposed to have induced abortion. But according to the Doctor's Guide, 42 infants were born in spite of the drug, with birth defects. However, women should not choose abortion just because it's legal. Sometimes abortion backfires.
There have been many survivors of abortion, where abortion has been legal. Ximena Ranaerts, now 12 years old was born in Vancouver and was supposed to have been aborted by her mother. She was born prematurely and was left in a room with dead fetuses until doctors heard Ximena crying and rescued her. She suffers from cerebral palsy.
Over twenty years ago, Sarah Smith was supposed to have been aborted along with her twin but she survived. She and her mother Betty now travel to speak about the pain caused by abortion.
Twenty-one year old Gianna Jessen's mother decided to have a saline abortion, but Gianna survived, although she now has cerebral palsy.
Some people are opposed to those who are pro-life, calling them radicals. But pro-life people do not approve of the extreme radicals responsible for the clinic bombings in Atlanta or the killing of the abortion doctors in Florida. Pro-life people try to influence people in peaceful situations.
Some people feel the need to abort because they have too many children or that they are too old to have children. The Canadian singer Celine Dion was the fourteenth child in her family, the youngest. If she was aborted because her parents felt they had enough children, the music industry would have had such a loss and not even known.
Some people in general feel that abortion should be available to parents who don't want their children because they might abuse their future children. But this is not an issue or a good excuse, because child abuse has increased five hundred percent since abortion was legalized in 1973, as reported by Jeff Hensely.
Some people do not consider what they abort to be human, but abortion ends human life. Modern technology can detect a baby's heartbeat eighteen days after conception. A baby can respond to touch and sound by the eighth or tenth week of pregnancy. The child's sex, hair color, eye color, and much more is determined at conception.
If you kill a pregnant woman, it counts for two murders. A man who was driving drunk killed a pregnant woman. He was sent to jail, with two murders on his record. When explained to him that a woman could abort the baby inside of her up to the day of the child's birth, he was confounded. It made no sense to him; he's right, it does not make any sense that the law would allow a woman to kill her own child, yet would lock up any other person who would try to do so.
The partial birth abortion method is a direct and vivid example of killing babies. With the guidance of ultrasound, an abortionist will pull the baby's legs with forceps. Then he will deliver the baby's body with the exception of the head and will jam scissors into baby's skull. Then he uses suction tubes to suck the child's brains.
Here are some alternatives to abortion. You can persuade your friend to put their baby up for adoption. There are many couples who would love to have a baby to adopt and have to wait years before a baby becomes available for adoption.
If you are poor and cannot afford to care for a baby or take time off work to deliver a baby, there are non-profit pregnancy centers that will take you in for free and help you while you are pregnant. These include: Baptists For Life, Crisis Pregnancy Tennessee Centers, and Pro-Life Feminists.
In conclusion: India doesn't kill bugs, cows, or rats because they say they value life; so they will let sources of food slip by and predators ruin or taint their supply of food. Then America has a blind genocide going on: abortion. There needs to be a balance between not killing animals at all, to the murderous choice of killing your own child. Is choice more important than life, when it may endanger your own?
An Urban legend that circulated around the Internet posed a conversation between a man and God. The man asked, "God, why haven't you given us someone to find a cure for cancer or AIDS?" God replied, "I did, but you aborted him."
"Limitations of U.S. Statistics on Abortion" Issues in Brief . Alan Guttmacher Institute. 1997.
"Misprostol." The Doctor's Guide. (29 May 1998).