The Leslie Phillips Lyric Site
Some will roll their eyes upon recollection of Leslie Phillips.
will recall hearing her songs in the midst of their tears and be
instantly calmed because of the soothingly powerful lyrics. While she
has bitterly left the Christian music scene and since recorded mainstream records under the name of Sam Phillips, she has left behind
inspiration and memories. Some of her songs are laughable and pathetic;
she has told people to not bother picking up anything before The
Turning. But gems are hidden in her songs and I hope you have found
or will find them.
Beyond Saturday Night
Dancing With Danger
Black & White in a Grey World
The Turning
Recollection (1987)
What is your favorite song by Leslie Phillips?
Leslie/Sam Phillips Links
Sam Phillips Discography
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20 May 2004
E-mail me with questions, comments, or additional lyrics at: