Complete lyrics to Black and White in a Grey World:
·Black and White in a Grey World ·Tug of War ·When the World is New ·Psalm 55 ·Your Kindness ·The More I Know You ·Smoke Screen ·You're My Lord ·Walls of Silence ·You're the Same Credits BLACK AND WHITE IN A GREY WORLD No distinction, no emotion for right or wrong They tell me only choice will do No color contrast in their dull morality The shades of good and bad are through Situational lies, situational hate Situational adultery They mix the black and white so casually Their ethics seem so vague to me (Chorus) And I'm black and white in a grey world Black and white in a grey world Black and white in a grey world It's not so easy finding answers in the shade Takes some patience, takes some grit But it's better than throwing all of your colors in the street What's life without color in it (Bridge) Ooh, I feel so out of place Like I've landed on the moon You can see it in my face I don't mind being different 'Cuz I'm different for the truth c1985 Word Music (ASCAP) TUG OF WAR Ever since I've become one of Yours I'm a target for kill The enemy is on my trail Wants to own my will Shots of guilt with every surge Of enticing attack Part of me wants to surrender now But my heart fights back (Chorus) Tug of war Pulling my mind Back and forth All the time In the stillness of my lonely room I feel the passion of God's heart Oh, You know I want to do what's right But I'm so torn apart (Repeat Chorus) c1985 Word Music (ASCAP) WHEN THE WORLD IS NEW I get so tired of myself Jaded by shame No wonder people turn away When I give you such a bad name But it's so nice to know (Chorus) When the world is new I will be like Be like You (Repeat) The normal life is not enough There must be much more This restlessness won't let me go Until my heart is like Yours But it's so nice to know (Repeat Chorus) c1985 Word Music (ASCAP) PSALM 55 When I cry He hears my voice Evening, morning, and noon (repeat) (CHORUS) Cast your cares on the Lord And He will sustain you He will never let the righteous fall He will never let the righteous fall As for me, I'll trust in Him Evening, morning, and noon (repeat) (REPEAT CHORUS) c1985 Word Music (ASCAP) YOUR KINDNESS Waiting for angry words to sear my soul Knowing I don't deserve another chance Suddenly the kindest words I've ever heard Come flooding through my heart (CHORUS) It's your kindness that leads us To repentance Oh Lord Knowing that You love us No matter what we do Makes us want to love You too (repeat) No excuse no one to blame No where to hide The eyes of God have found my failures Found my pain He understands my weaknesses And knows my shame But His heart never leaves me (REPEAT CHORUS) (BRIDGE) If You are for us Who can be against us You gave us everything Even Your only Son (REPEAT CHORUS) c1985 Word Music (ASCAP) THE MORE I KNOW YOU You're a child with endless questions Tumbling hard and fast from your soul Searching for the love behind my eyes You remind me of the One who made you Splashing in your love for living Taken with the truth like a bird takes to the sky (CHORUS) The more I know you The more I want you to know (repeat...) You're not just a notch in my belt Hunted by religious ego A conquest for the narrow-minded blind Your smile is the pulse of my heartbeat I care what you do with your soul There's no one like you You're a rare and precious find (REPEAT CHORUS) c1985 Word Music (ASCAP) SMOKE SCREEN written by Leslie Phillips & Daniel Brown You smoke-screen with your judgement words But when the air clears you're just a scared little child You smoke-screen but you're fearful inside That God doesn't love you You let fear run you wild (CHORUS) When someone is wrong you write them off Never give a second chance What if God had been that strict with you And destroyed you without a second glance You smoke-screen with your angelic face You look so holy, but you're struggling inside You smoke-screen when you point the finger Cuz no one's looking To see your problem with pride (REPEAT CHORUS) c1985 Word Music (ASCAP) YOU'RE MY LORD Hallelujah, Hallelujah You're my Lord And I know loving You Is what my heart is for Hallelujah, Hallelujah You're my Lord And I know every day I grow to love You more You are my King You are my Song You are my Prize I love You I love You Lord (repeat) c1985 Word Music (ASCAP) WALLS OF SILENCE November evening, the warmth of families in the air Dinner's on the table, and there's one empty chair They had a fight this morning He said he's never coming home But for her it's almost normal being married all alone (CHORUS) That stony fear and hate That words can't articulate When walls of silence go up The walls of silence, oh, oh Our lives come down She puts on a brave face But they can see it in her eyes Caught in the middle They feel twisted up inside They never want to come home It just reminds them of the pain They hope and pray that their lives Will never end up the same (REPEAT CHORUS) c1985 Word Music (ASCAP) YOU'RE THE SAME (CHORUS) You're the same forever Yesterday and today You will love me this way Cuz Your heart never changes (repeat) Feelings like the desert sands Shift with the whisper of the wind First I feel so far from You Then You seem so near again (REPEAT CHORUS) Months of heartache, weeks of joy Days that are somewhere in between You're the timeless hope I hold In a world of fading dreams (BRIDGE) Jesus, Your power To work in our lives remains the same You are mighty, You are mighty c1985 Word Music (ASCAP) Credits Producer: Dan Posthuma Executive Producer: Brad Burkhart Track arrangements: Dann Huff ("Black and White in a Grey World"/"Psalm 55"/"The More I Know You"/"Smoke Screen"/"You're My Lord"/"Walls of Silence"), Alan Pasqua ("Tug of War"/"Your Kindness"/"You're the Same"), and John Schreiner & Rhett Lawrence ("When the World is New") Bass: Nathan East, Neil Stubenhaus Drums: Carlos Vega, John Robinson Guitar: Dann Huff Keyboards: Alan Pasqua, John Schreiner Fairlight: John Schreiner Fairlight programming: Rhett Lawrence Studios: Bill Schnee Studios, Goldmine West Engineers: Dennis McKay, Dan Garcia, Rick Riggeri Photography: Aaron Rapoport Art Direction & Design: Bradley Grose