allow me to introduce myself I’m sergeant Friday from the FBI- letme in (Door kicked) Let me tell you friends I’m just stopping by It seems someone next door was shot last night spoken: Were any of you working late? Did you hear anything? Oh well here’s my card if you find out anything Have a nice day oh and one more thing What’s that bl-red stuff on your hands -It’s paint? OH I see you’re repainting that wall with such great timing isn’t that red a little way too bright spoken: I see, I’m not in the entertainment industry I guess I’m not Chorus: Just right here on Music Square West A CEO got a bullet through his chest He was well loved by the community At least every one says "It wasn’t me" This has been a stunning blow Who’d commit murder on Mu-sic Row Looking back at the crime scene for leads to this case T Motive: Now the motive for the murder is very plain Seems the CEO made fine deals and they all disdained him I see, I’m not in the entertainment industry I guess I’m not NOT FINISHED (Repeat chorus)© Allison McCulloch